
Why You Need to Start Using Video on Landing Pages

You’re reading this blog, which most likely means you’re wondering whether you should be using videos on your companies’ landing pages. If so, congratulations, you’re in the right place. If not, (whoops this is awkward) then maybe just keep reading and you’ll learn something anyway? To better understand whether you should be utilising video landing pages (spoiler: you totally should by the way), you need to know: • What a Landing Page Is • What a Video Landing Page Is • What Could Video Landing Pages Be Used For • What the Benefits of Using Videos on Landing Pages Are • What the Drawbacks of Videos on Landing Pages Are • How you can optimise the effectiveness of your landing page videos So, to paraphrase Tom Daley, let's dive right into it…

What Is a Landing Page?

A landing page is like a solo performer on your website, designed to make visitors do something specific like sign up, download, or buy. It’s stripped of all distractions, focusing on one goal with persuasive content and social proof to seal the deal.

Think of it this way:

Your website is busy, it needs to inform, engage, persuade and convert the visitors, to do any number of desired actions, all at once.

Your landing page is different. It’s focused, it’s niche and it’s determined to convert. A landing page acts as a separate entity that can’t be reached through navigation. It’s a lone warrior with one goal in mind, to charm your visitors into taking very specific action.

“So is a homepage a landing page, and if not, should I still include videos on it” I hear you ask.

The answers? No, and yes.

Technically, a homepage isn’t the same as a landing page, however, videos can still be an extremely successful and effective tool for homepages too.

So for the sake of this blog, and to ensure our extremely talented content writer (me) doesn’t need to publish another blog on using videos for homepages, just assume that all of the below applies to both.


What is a Video Landing Page?

Now you don’t need to be Holmes or Poirot to work this one out.
That’s right, you’ve got it, a video landing page is essentially a landing page that in one way or another utilises one or more video pieces.

Sometimes they can be the star of the show soaking in the limelight, whilst other times, they can be waiting in the wings, to quietly assist with other content such as copy and images.

The only thing that all good video landing pages need is relevancy.
It’s no good attaching a video showcasing your luxurious sunglasses if the rest of the page is desperately trying to flog ski jackets.


What Could Video Landing Pages Be Used For?

Anything and everything…

Depending on what your business is and what your landing page is trying to achieve, the videos could be:

·      Explainer Videos (Learn more about Explainer Videos Here)

·      Product Demos

·      Case Studies

·      Testimonials

·      Background Videos

·      FAQ’s

·      Announcements and Highlights

·      And if your landing page is very specific, personalised videos.


Essentially, if you want an informative, engaging and fun way of getting your message across to your target audience, then video pieces are a pretty flawless way of achieving this.

So now you know what video landing pages are and how they can be used, it’s time to get to the section that you are really here for… the why.

Why spend your time, effort, money and crucial screen time and space on video pieces, when it could theoretically be much quicker just to get a landing page up as soon as possible?


What are the Benefits of Using Videos on Landing Pages?

It’s 2024, and I’m sure you’ve heard countless times how “video is the way forward” and “video is key to engaging with customers”.

Are you bored of it yet?

Well, sorry, because I’ve got to agree, video is time and time again proven to be one of the most engaging mediums for reaching and converting your target audience.

And the results speak for themselves:

·      According to one study by HubSpot, 54% of consumers across the world say that out of all content types they would rather see video: Content Trends: Global Preferences (hubspot.com)

·      Furthermore, users spend almost 88% more time on websites that have videos than those that don’t (67Video Marketing Stats You Need to Know for 2024 (Updated) - Lemonlight)

·      And if customer behaviour isn’t enough to convince you, what about your competitors? 58% of businesses utilise at least one video piece on their site's homepage (67Video Marketing Stats You Need to Know for 2024 (Updated) - Lemonlight), do you want to be part of the minority missing out?


It’s clear that consumers want video content, and they’re more likely to stick around on a website that has videos, but how effective are they for converting your audience, and perhaps most crucially of all, ROI?

Yet again, the evidence seems to weigh in favour of video content, see for yourself:

·      Placing a video on a landing page can increase conversion rate by up to 80% (Unbounce: https://unbounce.com/landing-page-articles/the-benefits-of-using-video-on-landing-pages/)

·      And pages with videos are 53% more likely to appear on the first page of search engines such as Google and Bing.

So that’s customer engagement, sales conversions, ROI, SEO and competitor analysis, you’re probably dying to reach out to a video marketing agency like Treefrog (Link)already right?

And to that, I say great, but hold your horses for just a minute, because though videos may work wonders for landing pages, they need to be done right, or else they could have more negative effects than good.

Which brings us to our next (short) paragraph…


What are the Drawbacks of Video Landing Pages?

First things first, there are not many.

As the paragraphs above suggest, there are numerous reasons why you should look to include video content on landing pages, but there are a few things to consider when doing so, such as:


They can slow down site speed

Perhaps the biggest issue with implementing video content on your landing pages, is that they can often be quite large files and as a result, they can negatively impact your user’s experience.

You may need help creating the content

Whilst not many can deny the benefits of video content, it’s still important to consider the fact that to be able to use a video, someone has to have made one.

This can be difficult due to time constraints, in-house skills and associated costs, meaning many people turn to agencies to create this content for them.

They could distract your audience

No matter how engaging a video is, it still needs to help you achieve your goals and push your target audience through the pipeline. There’s no point in making the next Titanic, if people simply click off your site after watching it.

You need to ensure that the video remains consistent with your wider goals and always acts as a tool to help you rather than a gimmick.

How to Optimise Landing Page Video Effectiveness

The truth of the matter is that what works for one company's landing page may not work for another.

However, there are a few things to consider that can improve how successful your video landing page is universally, most of which come down to the oh so important, User Experience, some examples of this are:

Video Length

We’ve all sat through a seemingly endless video that only gives you the key information right at the very end. A video that after watching through the whole thing, you were left thinking, ‘That could’ve been condensed into a minute’.

So take that wasted time and learn from it, some statistics show that the best-performing online videos are somewhere between 1 and 2 minutes long. (52 Video Marketing Statistics 2022 [Infographic] | Renderforest).

This shows that it’s crucial to skim your video to the point where it’s entertaining, but also all content and no filler. You want your video to be a lean, mean, converting machine.


Video Placement

As we’ve already discussed, your video should be your strongest weapon and your loudest marketing material. You need to place it where it’s easily accessible and visible from the first click on the page, however, it also needs to be easy to navigate around it, for those visitors that don’t want to watch.

Similar to this, it’s probably best to avoid auto-playing. Give your visitor the choice before bombarding them with a possibly loud and shocking video, this should help with loading speed too!



If your video isn’t playing automatically, you need to give your visitors a reason to watch it, and your best way of doing this is through a captivating thumbnail.

You need to tempt them, whether that’s through bright, vibrant colours or a fascinating title card, your thumbnail is almost as important as your Call to Action at the end.


In Summary

9 times out of 10, utilising video content on your landing page can only improve your success and results, no matter your goals.

There are always things to consider when making your video, so it can be helpful to consult an agency to ensure that your video content is the best it can be and that you optimise your ROI.

So don’t delay, reach out to Treefrog today, to find out how we can help you improve your landing pages and ultimately increase sales.

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